Democratic Values: Step 3: Analyze, Evaluate, Create, Discuss


Step 3: Analyze, Evaluate, Create, Discuss

3.1. Overview of Step 3: Analyze, Evaluate, Create, Discuss

In Step 3, you are going to choose one or more democratic values (from our list of eight and/or others) that you think can help to heal and unite our country. Then you are going to research, analyze, and evaluate these values in more depth. Finally, you are going to share your selected values with other students in the Democratic Values Forum.

Democratic and Academic Objectives

In this first step—connect with the problem, the targeted Democratic and Academic Competencies that will help you to connect with the issues related to the COVID-19 Pandemic include:

Academic Objectives to Apply in Step 3:

•             Deep Comprehension: Learn to comprehend, analyze, and evaluate texts and videos.
(Step 3.2)

•             Discussion and Debate: Learn to engage in ongoing discussion and debate around the most
important democratic values. (Steps 3.3)

Democratic Competencies to Apply in Step 3:

•             Democratic Values: Learn and apply democratic values to proposing ways to heal and unify our country. (Steps 3.2)

3.2. What Are the Most Important Democratic Values for Healing and Uniting Our Country

In Step 3, choose one or more of the democratic values or another value that you want to explore. Then you will analyze and evaluate them and finally create some new ideas about these values.

3.3. Participate in the Democratic Values Forum to Discuss What You Think Are the Most Important Democratic Values

Each of the Lift Every Voice Minicourses has a related forum for discussing the most important topics (Central Questions) in that minicourse. For this minicourse, we have the "1. Democratic Values Forum". You can click on it below and it will bring you to the topics for this minicourse. The first topic we are going to discuss is "1. What are the democratic values that should guide us in healing and uniting our country?" Click on this topic and share your response to this question. Then respond to the suggestions of other students. After that you can go on to share your thoughts in Democratic Values topics 3-6 if you want. There you can discuss the democratic values that are specifically most important for stopping the pandemic, stopping gun violence, stopping police violence, and protecting our plant.

3.4. Next Steps

In Step 4, you will build on your research and discussion in this Step 3, by developing a multimedia presentation of the values you think are most important for unifying our country.