Stop the Pandemic: Step 7: Discuss, Debate, Negotiate


Step 7: Discuss, Debate, Negotiate

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7.1. Introduction to Step 7: Discuss, Debate, Negotiate

In Step 7, the objective is to engage with other students about which are the best proposals for stopping the pandemic. This begins by listening to other proposals on Flipgrid and listening to the comments other students have made on your proposal. You can then go to the Stop the Pandemic Forum and engage in back and forth discussions with other students. Ideally, this might lead to synthesizing different proposals and negotiating what what are the most important components for this addressing this strategy.

Democratic and Academic Competencies

In this seventh step—discuss, debate, compromise, you are going to respond to the proposals of your classmates. You can provide positive comments that appreciate their proposals, you can suggest new ideas, you can provide respectful criticisms or suggestions, or you can suggest compromises or syntheses of one or more proposals.


Academic Competencies to Apply in This Step 7:

Discussion and Debate Skills: Learn to use discussion and debate skills when responding to your classmates.


Democratic Competencies to Apply in This Step 7:

Democratic Values: Use democratic values (e.g. love and freedom related values) to argue for your proposal or to support other person's proposals.


Democratic Skills and Practices: Democratic Voice: Practice using discussion and debate skills (oral discourse skills).

7.2. Respond to Other Proposals

On Flipgrid, listen to the speeches of your classmates and provide responses to at least two classmates.

Be sure to be positive and respectful.

You can disagree but don't be disagreeable.

Listen carefully.

Try to brainstorm proposals that put together one or more of your and your fellow students' proposals.


7.3. Discuss and Propose Compromises

After you have responded to your classmates' proposals on Flipgrid, you can propose compromises that integrate/synthesize one or more of the proposals. You can add other students' proposals to your proposal. You can change your proposal and add part or all of another proposal. You can drop your proposal and make a new proposal based on what was presented by the other students.

In this assignment you can do at least one of the following:

·        Praise someone else's proposal.

·        Make a change in your proposal as a result of listening to other students' proposals and comments.

·        Propose a new proposal.

·        Propose a compromise that integrates several proposals.


7.4. Next Steps

In this seventh step, the objective is for you to engage in an open-ended discussion and debate of the proposals made by other students. This includes proposing compromises where you may drop part or all of your proposal and give your support to part or all of the proposals made by others.

In a democracy with many voices, it will often be the case that compromise is the best way to make progress. Each person or group gets part of what they believe is the best proposal.


In the next and final step, you will cast your votes for the top three proposals.

Revised 3/21/2021.